We were invited in 2015 to visit Rome and to organize an exhibition at the College Hungaricum. The Instituto Balassi – Accademia d’Ungheria in Roma invited us. Our community prepared everything even our website turned into Italian!

The ‘Room from Méra’ furniture and photo exhibition also took place there. At the night of March 29 the open ceremony started with a lot of visitors. The show was almost 60 minutes long. We danced traditional Hungarian folk dances to live music (Fajkusz Band) while Sebestyén Terdik was translating all the informations to Italian. After that, Csaba Simon introduces himself as a folk dancer and also a leather manufacturer and started to process leather clothes at the event. In the other room children and their parents learned folks dances.

Next day, in the afternoon we had a really good time there: children danced in traditional clothes with us in the room to live folk music. In the “break” the story-teller Grátzy Benke entertained the Italian and Hungarian people.

The third day we visited the famous Saint Peter Square to listen Pope Francis’ speech. There were about 50.000 people! We wore our traditional clothes and after the ceremony we started to dance at the square. Lots of people joined us and we proudly answered to all the questions:


